I can still clearly remember. 8 years ago. I was in Europe. That trip was something that I will never forget (hopefully). I was young. Full of hope. And ready to see the world. Went around England, flew over to Switzerland, railed to France. Lots of things were embedded in my head during these 3 weeks.
I bought my first pair of 'Limited Edition" sneakers in a UK store only release. It was a pair of Addidas. Y2K edition. A pair I saw 'MOBY' wear on some MTV that I knew I just needed to have. Guess that started my obsession with shoes.
Saw the way people on the other end of the world lived. So different compared to how I'm livng mine now as a working adult. They are simply so laid back. Things still moved on. Life was good. But then again I'm comparing countries with thousands of years civilization/culture history to our litle red dot's forty odd years. I began to see life more of a fun thing. We should always be happy doing things we ought to do. And not force ourselves unless totally neccesary.
One thing that happened to me in Paris was one that I would like to feel again. Being on top of the Eiffel Tower. The sheer majesty of such a tall structure is astounding. I'm sure many have been on the tower. But I'm not sure if they felt the way I did. I was high up. Away from everything. So high nothing could touch me. I felt liberated. Free from everything and anything that I knew in my life. And on top of that. I was a million miles from home. (not literally of course).
Now we have our very own. The Singapore flyer. I honestly think that it is cool. Very very cool. I love this kind of stuff. Now I'll be able to get up high again. Be away from everything. I will take this at least once this year. And again in a couple of years when the Marina IR is completed. I'm sure theres alot more to see by then.
I have an objective now. 2010. I want to go to France again. Not that I like that place alot. Honestly I hated it. The country was extremely smelly (to me at least). People were generally unfriendly towards asian dudes like me. And I hate eating bread. All the time.
But I really want to get on top the Eiffel Tower again. Almost 10 years on in my life. I would really want to be there again. Feeling that same feeling. Hopefully changing my perspective on my own life again. However this time it would be nice if there was someone else to be there with me. So that I'll be able to share this wonderful feeling with them.
Paris anyone?

*pic from clubsnap forums