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Mel. You know me you know me. If you don't. Then try. Cheers. All pics on blog before 2014 are taken on an iPhone. Now using this blog to upload my Olympus EM10 photos.

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Mos burger X Devilrobots

Seen alot of designers cum clothes/fasion collaborations. But then again, trust the Japs to come up with such shit. From the genius character designers of devil robots. Comes... MOSTRAPS!!!
They have my favourite! Mos-chicken! Lettuce-Kun! Ebi-Rice and a couple more!
This has to be the nicest and coolest fast-food chain toy releases in awhile!
(since mac donald's did the Mr Kiasu toys like 15yrs ago. Hah!)

And the day I saw the promo. I bought them all! One set meal entiltled you to purchase any one for sgd$2.50
And I bought all 5! Hehe.... Thanks to my charming powers and sweet talking ability. I managed to psycho the young female store manager to let me purchase all 5 at one shot!
(and all I needed was to purchase a drink and mos chicken!)

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