For people that tell you a plastic yoyo is just as good and it's the player not the yoyo. That's a load of bull. Plastics yoyos are fun. Cheap. And extremely playable. But it is NOTHING. I repeat. NOTHING compared to the power and smoothness and HYPE of a full metal yoyo.
Especially those super rare, limited, hyped up yoyos like Yoyofactory, One drop, CLWW, Anti-Yo etc.... If using a hyped up yoyo and get psychologically better. You are one up already.
Believe the hype kids. Expensive things are expensive for a reason. So save up and buy the most expensive yoyo you can afford. It'll make you feel better. And for those who swear by cheap yoyos. Well. "Cheap" is the only word important here.