Many of you people know that I've been pretty down because of what happened between me & Xinyi. It's been a real rough holiday for me. But what I seen and heard made me feel that I'm not that bad of as I thought.
Took a ride after work yesterday. Headed down to my regular bikeshop to just chat and catch up abit. When I reached. There was a skinny man seated at the table. Next to him was a very nice bicycle. And in front of him was a bottle of beer. I was not prepared about what happened in the following half an hour.
Apparantly he was a bike mechanic from another shop. He was there to talk about his problems. He was talking to the owner of the usual Bikeshop I frequent. He talked about mistakes he made in the past regarding his career path. How he did no see opportunities when partnerships were being forged. As he spoke. He sounded more and more agitated. More intense. It was then I realized what the real purpose of the bottle of beer was for. He mentioned how his life failed on him. Failed jobs, failed marriage, failed everything.
He was lamenting how his life broke down when his wife left him. And left him with nothing. He talked about how he went on to do nothing for 2 years after that. Surviving everyday sleeping and drinking and eating little food. He did not do anything. He rotted his life away. He also mentioned how the store he was working in was screwing him up. Change of management. Change of working styles. Problems. Difficult bosses.
After a while. He shook the hands of the store owner. Holding on tightly, not letting go. Saying he has no friends since his wife left him. Everyday has been by himself. Drowning in all his failed life events. All the while crying intensely. I left after awhile.
Thanks to all the people who were there for me when I needed support. Cheers to you all. And many more cheers to come. Thank you.